Creative Australia

Silver Sponsor of Creative Industries Award category

Creative Australia is Australia’s investment, advocacy and development agency for arts and culture.

We support the cultural creation at the centre of the creative industries - its ecology of ideas, people, organisations and structures. Drawing on understandings of arts and culture as central to community, identity, knowledge exchange and innovation, we advocate for the transformative power of creativity, arts and culture from the heart of communities to global collaborations, from deep artistic craft development to unexpected innovations.

Our aim is to develop a networked ecology of creative practice fuelled by investment in Australian arts and culture – generating original IP, engagement, jobs, new capabilities, productive partnerships, and global exchange.

Our partnership with Austrade supports the Government’s trade diversification agenda to strengthen and expand trade networks, including growing markets for cultural and creative exports, as mentioned in the national cultural policy Revive.

For more information, visit Creative Australia.

Creativity connects us: to ideas, to each other, to new perspectives and to the world.

The Australian Government’s National Cultural Policy, Revive: a place for every story, a story for every place, launched on 30 January 2023 by the Prime Minister, the Hon Anthony Albanese MP, and the Minister for the Arts, the Hon Tony Burke MP, and set a new direction for arts and culture in Australia, building momentum for the creative sector.

Within it, Revive recognises the critical contribution of culture to Australian society and provides the framework for these contributions to be fully harnessed and realised. Establishing Creative Australia is a centrepiece of the policy, transforming the Australia Council for the Arts into Creative Australia, a bigger, bolder champion and investor in Australian arts and creativity.

Creative Australia functions and dedicated investments maximise the impact of Australia’s creativity. Specific to the creative industries, Creative Australia supports the cultural creation at the centre of the creative industries - its ecology of ideas, people, organisations and structures – generating original IP, engagement, jobs, new capabilities, productive partnerships, and global exchange.  

Our investments and our people work actively to increase audiences for Australian arts and to create connections for Australian artists to foster collaboration and exchange. Our investment through Music Australia and Writers Australia deepen engagement with the commercial parts of these sectors, strengthening these industries while dedicated investment through a First Nations-led Board recognises the centrality of First Nations culture to Australian arts and culture.